Red Hat Linux Essential

I want to write here with some importance Command of Red Hat Linux Essential. If you follow this command you can make yourself as a Linux Essential experts. I believe that you are able to improve your knowledge in Linux.

Follow The bellow Command ...

  Red hat Essential  

#vim /etc/issue
#passwd student
#su - student
#id student
#date 10 21 05 42 2011
#cal 5 2010

#whatis cal
#cal --help
#man -K|k keyword
#man print
#info vim
#foo -y -abc one.txt two.txt
#ls -l /lv1
#ls -la /tmp
#ls -ld /etc
#ls -lR /home/users
#cd ..
#cd /etc/system
#cd -
#cp /etc/passwd /tmp
#cp -r /etc/ /tmp
#cp /pearctice/* /tmp
#cp -r /practice/* /tmp
#cp -rpv /etc/sysconfig /backup/sysconfig12102011
#mv /practice /tmp
#touch /newfile
#touch {report,graph}_{jan,feb,mar}
#rm -rf /tmp/newdir (dir with file)
#rmdir /tmp/practice (empty dir)
#mkdir /test
#mkdir -p /practice/new/user
#file /etc/passwd (prints file type)
#chown root /practice/new
#chown -R root /practice/ (recursively)
#chown root:marketing /practice
#chgrp accounting /practice/new
#chgrp -R accounting /practice/
#chmod u|g|o| +|-|= r,w,x,s,t /practice
#chmod u+w /practice
#chmod o+t /practice
#chmod 764 /practice
#echo ?o*
#!! (repeats last cmd)
#!ca (repeats command begins with "ca")
#!232 (repests command with history number)
#vim .bashrc
   export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
   alias c='clear'
#alias c=clear
#echo file {1,2,3}
#echo "this system's name is $(hostname)" (command expansion)
#echo "this system's name is `hostname`" (command expansion)
#vim /script
   /bin/echo hello
#chmod u+x /script
#vim /testscript
   cp -av /etc/sysconfig /backup/sysconfig-$(date '+%y%m%d')
  echo "back up of /etc/sysconfig completed at: $(date)"

#find /etc -name passwd
#find /etc -name passwd > /redirect
#find /etc -name passwd >> /redirect
#find /etc -name passwd &>> /redirect
#ls -l /etc | tr 'A-Z ' 'a-z'
#ls -l /etc | less
#echo "test mail" | mail -s test user1@localhost
#echo "test printer" | lpr -P printer1
#ls -lR /etc | tee stage1.out | sort | tee stage2.out | sort -r | tee stage3.out | less
#tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < .bash_profile
#cat .bash_profile | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
#mail -s "test" user1@localhost <<end
      hi susan
      please call me

## looping#####
#vim /bin/script
     for n in {1..10}; do
     ping -c2 192.168.0.$n

#chmod u+x /bin/script
####Test all host at a time###### 
#vim /bin/script1

     for n in {1..10}; do
     host = 192.168.0.$n
     ping -c2 $host > /dev/null
     if [ $? = 0 ]; then
        echo "$host is success"
       echo "$host is failed"

#chmod u+x /bin/script

#####shutdown all workstation from server

#vim /bin/script1

     for n in {1..10}; do
     host = 192.168.0.$n
     ping -c2 $host > /dev/null
     if [ $? = 0 ]; then
        ssh root@$host reboot/poweroff
       echo "$host is blocked"
#### conditional exicution#####

for x in $(seq 1 10); do
echo adding testuser$x
echo -ne "testuser$x\t"
useradd testuser$x 2>&1 > /dev/null && passwd testuser$x
) >> /tmp/userlog
echo 'cat /tmp/userlog to see new paswrds'

#cat /etc/passwd 
#less /etc/paswd
 q to quit
#cat -b /proc/meminfo (with number of each line)
#cat -A /proc/meminfo (show all character,including non printing)
#head /etc/passwd
#head -n 15 /etc/passwd
#tail -n 3 /etc/passwd
#tail -f /var/log/cron
#tail -f /var/log/messages
#grep 'user1' /etc/passwd
#date --help | grep year
#grep -n user1 /etc/passwd (prints the number of matches)
#ps ax | grep init (shows all process and grep init strings)
#grep root /etc/passwd | cut d : -f 7 (cut practice)
#cut -f3 -d: /etc/passwd
#wc /etc/passwd
#wc -m /etc/passwd (bytes)
#wc -l /etc/passwd (only lines)
#wc -w /etc/passwd (only words)
#sort -r /etc/passwd
#cut -f7 -d: /etc/passwd | sort | uniq (uniq)
#diff -u /practice/file /practice/file1 > file2.patch
#patch -b /practice/file1 file2.patcch
#aspell check /newfile
#aspell list < /newfile
#look wh /practice/file (looks for word begins with wh string)
#sed 's/cat/dog/gi'
#sed '1,50s/cat/dog/gi'
#sed '/digby/,/duncan/s/cat/dog/gi'/practice/file1
#sed -e 's/cat/dog/gi'-e 's/cow/goat/gi'

#vim /practice/file
 insert mode
  I (inser at begining of line)
  A(append to end)
  O(insert a new line above)
  o(insert a new line below)
 command mode
  u,U ctrl+r
#vim .vimrc
  :set number
#/sbin/ifconfig eth0
#/sbin/ifup eth0
#/sbin/ifdown eth0
#vim /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0
#   /etc/cups/printer.conf
#lpr -P printer1 -#3 /file1 (3 copy)
#lprm 6
#lpstat -a (list configured printer)
#date 10 21 05 42 2011
#ps -ax | grep init
#ps -U root
#pgrep -G accounting
#pidof cupsd
#kill 2372 (if ctrl+c or 'term' not working)
#kill -term 2372
#man 7 signal
#nice -n 5 cat
#renice 5 -p pid
#bg 4
#fg 6
#at now+5min
  cat /etc/passwd
  ping -c3 server.example,com
#at -l
#at -c 7

    25 15 24 07 1,3,5 (0-6)
  min hour day month week
#crontab -u testuser
#crontab -r; crontab -l (remove cron)
#date > /logfile | cat /logfile
#who | wc -l >> /logfile
#ping -c2 &> /dev/null
#echo $? (0 success,1-255 failure)
#vim .bashrc
  alias c='clear'
#vim /bin/script2
  read -P "enter server1 values:" value1 value2
  echo "value1 is $value1"
  echo "value2 is $value2"

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